Asset Name Image Description Dimension Acquired From Creator Condition Reports History
Small grinding stone, shallow grinding groove, shaping marks around edges 15.5cm wide, 15cm long, 4.5cm thick, Deniliquin Historical Society 0
Multiple use stone, grinding and hammer stone with use wear on wide end. 14cm long 10cm wide, 4cm thick Deniliquin Historical Society 0 Multi purpose stone, probably traded into Mid Murray Region from the...
Partial grinding stone, ground on both sides, 26cm long, 21cm wide 5cm thick Deniliquin Historical Society 0 Found on local farm and donated to Deniliquin Historical Society. Originally...
Basket with tall handle and lid 8cm tall, 7cm wide NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs from Botswana Unknown 0 Made in Botswana and Gifted to Yarkuwa by NSW Minister for aBORIGINAL aFFAIRS
Woomera, spear thrower 45cm long, 3cm wide, 3cm thick Peppin Heritage Centre Deniliquin Unknown 0 Created for the Peppin Heritage Centre Deniliquin
Clap Sticks decorated 32cm long, 2cm wide, 2cm thick Red Gum Exhibition 0 purchased from exhibition
Hunting Boomerang end part of 46cm long, 5cm wide, 1.5cm thick Gifted to Yarkuwa from Yorta Yorta Elder Unknown 0 Found in the banks of the Murray River in Yorta Yorta Country
Emu Egg Carved 2 13cm long, 9cm wide Artist Lucy Connolly Lucy Connelly 0 Purchased from Artist
Emu Egg Carved 13cm long 9cm wide Artist Lucy Connolly Lucy Connelly 0 Carved by Wiradjuri TO
Carved Emu Egg 13cm long, 9cm wide Lucy Connolly Lucy Connolly 0 Purchased from artist