Asset Name Image Description Dimension Acquired From Creator Condition Reports History
Hunting boomerang 1 Hunting boomerang, not decorated red coloured wood, made to return 63cm wide, 8cm thick on left side and 6cm thick on right Deni Historical Society 0 Donated by Deni Historical Society
Hunting Boomerang, etched Hunting boomerang with etching featuring kangaroo and emu with leaf, made to return 0 Donated by Deni Historical Society
Ingram Family Poster 2 Poster featuring group photos of members of the Ingram Family, including 1 photo members on horseback. Yarkuwa IKC 0 Created by student of TAFE NSW 2002
Ingram Family Tree John Ingram and May Smith Family Tree Yarkuwa IKC 0 Created during training in community and family history research
Journey Home - painting Acrylic paint, red background portions of black, yellow sun top left corner. Black portions contain family and community circles joined by pathways, with human figure emerging from one black portion. 796 x 1323 Gregory Taylor Gregory Taylor 0 Painted by artist at the back of Yarkuwa IKC
Language Poster Australian Birds 1 Frames Language Poster featuring Australian Burds Yarkuwa IKC Yarkuwa in house 0 Forms part of the Language Poster series
Language Poster Animals 1 Hand drawn demonstration by Brett Ross featuring Aust animals with both English and Wamba Wamba language 0 Created by Brett in 2004 for the Language poster series
Language Poster Animals 1 Hand drawn demonstration by Brett Ross featuring Aust animals with both English and Wamba Wamba language Brett Ross Brett Ross 0 Created by Brett ross in 2004 for the Language poster series
Language Poster Body parts Forms part of the Language Poster series featuring Wamba names for human body parts Yarkuwa IKC 0 Forms part of the Language Poster series
Language Poster Facial Features 1 Framed Poster hand drawn featuring facial features with English and Wamba Wamba names Yarkuwa IKC 0 Created in house by Brett Ross for the Language Poster series