Welcome to WURREKANGURR (we all speak), the Wamba Wamba Language Resource Website..

This web resource was established in 2016 by the Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre, on behalf of the traditional owners of our language and culture, for all speakers and learners of the Wamba Wamba language as part of the Deniliquin Indigenous Language Project. This Language is spoken by Wamba Wamba and Perrepa Perrepa peoples.

It is based around a searchable language dictionary of more than 1200 language entries imported from the ‘WembaWemba Dictionary’ by Dr. Luise A. Hercus.

The original dictionary entries were collected by Hercus during interviews between 1962 and 1970 with ‘the late Nancy Egan, Stanley Day and John Taylor and collated with earlier information, particularly that from A.C. Stone (1911)’.

Wurrekangurr also contains, and will continue to develop, a range of learning and teaching tools and language resources. All information on the site can be displayed on classroom smart boards, laptops and smartphones. Although most resources are available to the public, visitors are encouraged to register to access all teaching and learning tools.

Yarkuwa would like to acknowledge:

  • the Australian Government Indigenous Languages and Arts Program for the grant in 2017 which made the initial development of this language website possible
  • NSW Government Aboriginal Languages Trust grant program
  • the WCC Language Program for its ongoing language hub support
  • the wisdom, time and dedication of our original Deniliquin Indigenous Language Project steering committee: Glenn Ross, Karen Mobourne and Stephen Charles
  • our Elders past and present for their continuing guidance and the traditional owners of the lands of the Wamba Wamba and Perrepa Perrepa people
Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre