Kakat-kity withən-kuk.
A white ibis's feather
Say: 'kah-kaht-kity wiid-ən-kuuk'

Vowels: all vowels are standard,
Consonants: 'th' (in withən) is short and hard like the English 'd',
Combinations: the 'ty' consonant is a 'palatal stop' ie tip of tongue touches hard palate above top teeth, 
(avoid saying 'kitty')
Literal Meaning:
'white-ibis'-owns feather-owned(its)
Noun ending - living thing owns something - (k)ity, Noun ending - his/her/its - (k)uk
Shows - two noun endings : 
  1. '-kity' an 'owner ending' (or 'genitive case' ending) which is added to the name of something alive that 'owns' something, 
  2. '(k)uk' a 'possessive ending' to show that the object is owned by 'he/she/it'. 
Learning Focus:
Language Building, Composing, Grammar, Describing
Learning Exercise:
For young children just hearing the words being repeated, sung and danced is great learning. 'Kakat-kity withen-kuk.' Is a very rhythmical phrase that can be accompanied with 'malka-pula' (click sticks), clapping, flying and/gliding and long beak digging movements. 

Having a colouring in exercise sheet with both 'kakat' and 'withen' to colour in and cut out and hold while singing would be useful.

Could have two other examples like 'possum's fur' or 'grandma's yam stick' to allow for building and repeating the 'kity'  and 'kuk' sounds.
Phrase Sentence:
Words Associated:
kakat - white ibis
withən - feather
Animals - Birds
Age Guides:
Yr 7-9, ECH, Yr 1-3, Yr 4-6
WWDict., p72; VLaLS (g) Genitive, p32: Hercus