The old man found that gypsum over there
Wamba wamba:
Tyemulin nyarrəmbənku kalki pandyil nyunya.
Victorian Languages: A Late Survey: L.A. Hercus; p. 29,30, (c) Operative Case

lit. find-found oldman-doer gypsum that-one-over-there (The sentence starts with the verb tyemula to find and adds the past tense bound form 'in' to make it 'found'. To the Wamba name for old man 'nyarrəmbən' has been added the 'doer' bound form 'ku' because it was the old man that did the finding not the gypsum.)

Phrase sentence:
Words Associated:
kalki pandyil - gypsum
nyarrəmbən - old man
tyemula - to find (after a search)
nyunya - that one over there