You are tired
Say: mahmb-ah
Vowels: Standard 'a' as in 'path'
Emphasis on first syllable 'mahmb' and the first 'a' is lengthened ('a' before 'mb' cluster)
(The second syllable 'ah' is the verb ending for 'you' and is usually written as 'arr' but because it is shortened after the long first syllable it makes more sense to write it with the single 'r'.)
Literal Meaning:
Verb head-word, Verb ending - you ( one person) do - arr
Simple statement beginning with present tense verb 'mumba' to be tired plus the verb person ending 'arr' or 'ar' (you).
Learning Focus:
Grammar, Describing
Learning Exercise:
Write a list of three verbs with 'you are .....' and three different verbs with 'I am ...'  and finish with 'murrendangurr kurrəkal' (We all live on country). For ECH and Infants this can be a song with actions and malka-pula. 
For primary students work with them to create the song explaining as you go. 
For high school students it can be a project to publish the song.
Phrase Sentence:
Words Associated:
mamba - to be tired
People and Family - Body, Communication - Describing
Age Guides:
Yr 7-9, Yr 4-6, Yr 1-3, ECH
WWDict., p59, Hercus. p.31. VLaLS:Hercus; p.14 Vowels/Length.