Kepin manyə tulu pener pener wariwin kiluwity.
Five little ducks went out one day
Say: kehp-iin mahny-eh tuu-luu pen-er pen-er war-ii-wiin kiil-uu-wiity
Vowels: standard 'e' as in 'pet', 'i' as in 'sit', 'a' as in 'path', 'u' as in 'put', variations 'e' followed by an 'r' is 'e' as in 'fern', 'a' following a 'w' and followed by an 'r' is 'a' as in 'war'
Literal Meaning:
Lit. Five small ducks went away today.
Noun repeating - plural, Verb ending - has already happened (past) - in, Adverb, Noun
Simple statement with subject, verb with past tense ending, adverb 'kiluwity' (today) describing when. Uses the repeating noun 'pener pener' to show plural.
Learning Focus:
Language Building
Learning Exercise:
Write your version of the 'five little ducks went out one day' nursery ryhme. Explore different ends to this first sentence eg 'across the river and far away' or 'through the swamp and far away' etc. In the English the 2nd sentence contains 'but'. In Wamba Wamba simply leave this out. The context makes the 'but' obvious.
Phrase Sentence:
Words Associated:
tulu - tree-stump, a small stumpy person, little, stumpy
kepin manyə - five - 5
kiluwity - today
pener - teal duck
Country, Animals - Birds, Activities - Moving
Age Guides:
Yr 7-9