Putheka telkuk.
Hullo or Welcome
Say: puud-eh-kah tel-kuuk
Vowels: 'u', 'e' and 'a' are all standard ('u' as in 'put', 'e' as in 'pet', 'a' as in 'path').
Literal Meaning:
Lit. to come into camp (place)-he/she/it good.
Verb head-word, Verb ending - he/she/it does - a, Noun ending - his/her/its - (k)uk
Exp. The speaker is saying " (I see) he/she/it coming into a camp or place. That is good.' 
This is a short hand or casual way of welcoming a person or persons.
Can use for 'G'day', 'He/she/its here. Great'.
Learning Focus:
Language Building, Interacting, Communication
Learning Exercise:
Create a short song based around 'putheka telkuk'. For example: sing 'putheka telkuk' two times and then add the Wamba Wamba for 'It is really good to see you today.' ' nya nyakandarr kiluwity'
Phrase Sentence:
Words Associated:
putheka - to come in e.g. into a camp.
telkuk - good, beautiful
Age Guides:
Yr 7-9, Yr 4-6, Yr 1-3