Kolety Story

K le y

name of the Edward River

n an a

what? how?

p ying a

to show, to point out

n atyərru a


M e

name of the River Murray

k rr k

Country, place, sand

p ny l


k p l

river, general term

m a


t ek l


p r

stream, running water

k rang pi r

river, 'large stream',

w the pi r

creek, 'small stream',

t ilper a

to splash

k t n


l th k



ground, soil, land


crow or raven

p ndela g

whistling kite (eagle)

n array l

eaglehawk, wedge-tailed eagle

k rnw l

snake, black-snake

p y l

red gum, also 'tree' in general, stick

m m a

to be tired

m lpa a

to be weak

m rren a

to be alive

n akamu a

to be careful, to look out

t indyinga a

to shake

t a

to move

p kat a

to look around inquiringly

t uyi a

to make level or smooth

m a

to feel tired,

m k n


k m a

to lie down, to sleep

t ktyer a

to fight, to hit one another

y nggu a

to walk past

w rren a

to call someone to wake up

k r k


k rrkum a

to be covered in blood

l lun a

to injure, to hurt

w r p

wound, injury

y wi r



camp, home, bark shelter

w thə a

to return, to go home