Words with 'a' as in 'path' sound - birds and animals

k kat

white ibis

k lalək

Major Mitchell Cockatoo

k ma

wallaby, black swamp wallaby

k li


m piyal


p na

ringtail possum

p rra

red kangaroo

y nap-wil

dingo, disobedient cur

k thəkarr

white cockatoo, corella,

n are

black duck

n akak

magpie goose

p ndelang

whistling kite (eagle)

k liya

sleeping lizard

t rramandarr

very small lizard, the grass skink

m n

small land leech

n athang

small crayfish

t ak-tyak

white ant

p lam-palam

white butterfly

k r

grub, root grub

m rra

meat ant

p thang

large black ant