* Nangerr
River Mussel
Part of speech:
Stone [nungerr]
- not eaten much. This word is of interest as it seems to be the only Wembawemba word beginning with 'na', and because of the close similarity to nangerra, recorded in Gippsland (Lake Tyers) for 'saltwater mussel'. (Photo - Wikimedia Public Domain - Peter Woodard (Poyt448) of River Mussel or Velesunio ambiguous.)
Pronunciation Guide:
Say: nahng-err
Pronunciation Notes:
Vowels: Standard WW 'a' as in 'path',  Variation - 'e' followed by 'r' is 'e' as in 'fern'
Consonant combinations:'ng' (velar-nasal) say 'n' & 'g' as top of tongue touches soft palate plus nasal vibration
Animals, Aquatic, Mollusc

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