* Kathapi Mananderra
White Crane
Part of speech:
Stone [cathupbee mununderra]
(Editor: some confusion exists in the print WWDict. See also notes for 'wany'. There are three possible white cranes or egrets in the district. 'white crane' is not currently used as a common name. There are three similiar white egret species in the region - Cattle Egret, Plumed Egret and White Egret. Illustration is of Egretta alba - the White Egret. Some further research is likely needed to work out which of these three white egrets the fluent speaking Elders were referring to with both 'wany' and 'kathapi mananderra'.)
Pronunciation Guide:
Say: kahth-ah-pii
Pronunciation Notes:
Vowels: Standard - 'a' as in 'path', 'i' as in 'sit'. Variation: 'e' followed by 'l' or 'r' is 'e' as in 'fern'
Consonant combinations; 'th' (dental stop) combine 't' and 'h' as tip of tongue touches back of top teeth and the breathe is stopped. Gives a hard 'd' like sound. ('silent' that is does not include any nasal sound like the English 'b' as in 'bat')
'rr' roll.
Birds, Animals, waterbird

Example Phrases

No phrases listed

Associated Audio

kathapimananderra_white crane
Laura Ross
Copy right 2019 Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre