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lit. lerri (claw, fingernail), nyuk - its

Claw (its), the claw of any animal or bird, also any hard shell, e.g. of a crayfish

You are tired
Mambarr tyerrika kurnwila.
(literal perhaps-you to stand snake-on). Hercus states that 'the General Oblique Case is very widely use. Its basic meaning is that of 'movement towards'. Normal suffix is 'a' after consonants and 'ga' after vowels.

You might step on a snake

I am worn out
Marrku katimən karrinyuk-murreng.
lit. that other one - marrku (that other one) katiman (to have) katimən (has) karrinyuk (big, wide) - murreng (head)

That other one has a big, wide head People and Family - Body

Covered in ashes

Phrase is created with 'milak' plus 'ang' - the noun suffix showing moving away from (the ablative case)

Out of the ashes
Milpa-milpa-kat pathingguk.

He is bending his knees, he is kneeling down
Moyiku tyak.

Down to the ground
Mumbelm - hat, ek - 1st person singular possessive suffix (my).

My hat
Mungak kinyam wanap.

Make this fire
Mungin karnuk puləty piyal.

Lit. munga (to make) + 'in' (made), karnuk (handle of axe or tomahawk), puləty (Box Tree), piyal (stick)

He made an axe handle from a box tree stick
Mungin ngalukugek karn tirtenayuk.
lit. make-made aunty-doer-my dress new

My aunty made a new dress
Munginarr kalingality-karren.

lit. make-made-you cane grass knecklace

You made a cane grass necklace

In the shade

He went round cadging (food)
Ngarupanda kinyam pengguk pongən.

I can smell this rotten meat
Ngatananda nyernin.

I have heard already, 'already-i hear-past'
Ngatha kinya tyurpa!

Goodness, it is absolutely pouring!
Nguanda tyerrika.
Nguanda is formed with the auxiliary verb 'nguwa' plus the first person subject ending 'anda' ( i ). (the connecting 'w' in 'nguwa' has been dropped in the process). The main verb 'tyerrika' (to stand) has the tense ending only - 'a' for present tense. 'nguanda tyerrika' literally 'unwilling-I stand'.

I don't want to stand.
Ngunyama-kat kinya lerrk.

This woman makes one feel sorry

I've had enough

Have you had too much?
Ngupən-min-kat luthəkin.

Is your belly (at last) full?
Ngurkinanda pithik.

I swallowed a fly
Nngare pambin payikin wariwin.
lit. black-duck frightened flew away
The black duck got a fright and flew away
Nongwe. Pertayatang pileny.

Lit. Yes. Drying-it-is as well. (pertayatang is a present participle of 'pertaya' (to dry) ) Demonstrates a conversation. (Response to a previous statement eg 'It's hot today.'

Yes. It's dry as well.
Nya manmulakaty!.

How disgusting!

lit. - nyakamuna (to look out) - i (order one person)

Look out!
Nyakanda puletya karndəli nyenggang piyalkal wikən.
lit. see-I two butcher birds sit-ting branch-on dead

I see two butcher birds sitting on a dead branch